Senin, 15 November 2010

kamu sudah tau olah raga extream yang gila di sungai, penasaran tentang river boarding let’s start to learning with us

Ok, so you’ve seen this crazy sport on TV or on the river, and you’re curious about it, eh? Let’s start with the basics.
First things first:
A) It is imperative that you be able to swim. You needn’t be an Olympic hopeful, but if you can’t swim or are fearful of the
water, please DO NOT TRY RIVERBOARDING! Your local YMCA or athletic club probably gives swim lessons, so
consult with them about learning a vital skill used in many scenarios of life.
B) You should be in decent athletic physical shape. If walking up and down a flight of stairs gets you winded,
riverboarding probably isn’t for you. That’s not to discourage you - rather, your body is a very smart computer, and if
small amounts of activity make you tired, it’s telling you to eat healthier and increase your cardiovascular excercise! Only
you know how fit your body is. Riverboarding is a very physically demanding sport, so come prepared.
C) You should be strong mentally. Many people enjoy watching extreme sports and think, “Gee, that looks really fun, I
think I’ll try that…” but then they get in the plane or on the bike or in the water and suddenly they’re panicking and it
doesn’t look so fun anymore. But of course, you’re the kind of person who can’t get enough of extreme sports, no matter
if they’re on land, water, or in the air (or a combination!), right? That’s why you’re learning about this awesome sport.
To riverboard, you need to be tough mentally and able to make quick, rational decisions under pressure. If you’ve ever
engaged in some extreme sport, you know that the adrenaline rush you get from flipping a bike or kayaking off of a 30′
waterfall is much different (and honestly, sometimes it is scary…that’s what keeps you coming back) than the rush you
get from watching it with your butt planted on the la-z-boy. Most guides will attempt to make the trip safe and fun for
everyone - but know thyself: are you cut out to be tumbling 20mph through 15,000cfs of extremely powerful whitewater,
with nothing but your riverboard to keep you company?
While riverboarding does not take nearly the amount of practice to get the hang of as, say, learning to roll in a kayak, it’s
not simply as easy as jumping into a Class V and rippin’ it up. We learned this the hard way - we took a friend with us
who we’d gone inner-tubing with on class IV’s a ton in the old days and just figured they’d pick it up immediately. Not the
case. Even though they were a good athlete and could read water really well, they got munched in the first few rapids
(we just jumped right in to some nice Class IV’s). Later on after they got the hang of it they made some wise observations
which gave me a fresher perspective on what it’s like to riverboard for the first time - so you’ll benefit from their temporary
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